Monday, May 26, 2014

Third Time is a Charm

I just think it is a good day when we have had a couple of hours to play at a farm.  It is even better when we get to share it with Grandma Mary (against her will) and Papa D (after driving 428 miles), bring home fresh strawberries and have a picnic - GOOD TIMES! :)
 Duck Races
Anna Said, " Let's Roll Daddy!"
 Cow Train
 Tractors, Slides, Swings, Goats and More...
Everyone had fun - I promise!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Awesome! What a great day and strawberries to take home with grandpa and grampa. What more could one want. I know That the little ones were on cloud nine hope that grampa D and Grandma Mary felt it as well!
Precious moments forever in your hearts!
Love and hugs. YVBA