Friday, January 29, 2010

Thank You Grammie and Grandpa!

You opened your house to us
without making a fuss.

You made a cozy room to stay
bringing out all the old toys for play.

We took over your pantry, cupboards, and floor
filling them with cheerios, sweet potatoes, green beans, and much more.

We played hard in the studio morning, noon, and night
counting threads, organizing fabric, and pushing pedals with all our might.

A few warm, sunny days made us embark
on fun filled trips to a nearby park.

You took special care when our parents went out alone
reading us stories and bringing us to our new home.

We love you for all you do
and look forward to more time with you!

Max and Kate

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crowded Tub

There’s too many kids in this tub.
There’s too many elbows to scrub.
I just washed a behind
That I’m sure wasn’t mine,
There’s too many kids in this tub.
~Shel Silverstein
From Kate & Max - January

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hooray for Liz and Emma!

Auntie Liz and Emma came to spend the weekend. It was so helpful and the kids had a blast. Thank you so much Liz for spending your weekend with us, taking care of the kids, and chronicling the weekend with pictures. You are amazing!

Playing In the Playroom


Hey Neighbor
From Kate & Max - January

Soooo Big

From Kate & Max - January

Fresh Air

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Move

The move went extremely smoothly. The movers came Saturday and unloaded everything we owned in two hours – YAY TROSA! Grammie and Grandpa kept Kate and Max entertained in Greensboro until the evening and then we introduced them to their new home and room. They are staying in the same room for now and their playroom is attached via a jack-n-jill bathroom. Kate already knows the way and Max loves to follow Kate so it works out well. Grammie spent Sunday and Monday entertaining the kids and sorting toys and books. Grandpa was Mr. Handyman and accomplished a lot including the assembly of Kate and Max’s bins and easel. Peter worked feverishly on his kitchen – sorting everything into just the right drawer, cabinets, and pull-out for cooking readiness. I worked methodically, one room at a time, sorting, then arranging, then stacking and unstacking, organizing and reorganizing until everything was just right or until I did it over again the next day! We managed to empty all boxes (my only measurement of accomplishment) by Monday. I have spent most of the week re-reorganizing closets, hanging out with Jenn and Coby (whom we missed dearly the past few weeks), hanging pictures/art, enjoying our new washer/dryer, meeting the neighbors, and gathering items we need.

Our hiccups include the fire set Saturday night in the oven (I am not mentioning any names but it was not me), Time Warner Cable (I do not know where to begin), the coffee pot that sprung a leak Sunday morning resulting in a meltdown, and Kate whom we found half way up the stairs unattended…

From House

From House

From House

From Kate & Max - January

I packed everything but my brain...

Seriously, in the last week I have done many ridiculous things.

The top three include:

1. Trying to purchase a box of wipes with a "Free Box of DIAPERS" coupon.

2. Asking for a Box-O-Wine at Starbucks.

3. Leaving the grocery store without my groceries.

We finally have access to the outside world, so I can

communicate, blog, and watch Sesame Street!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Park

Boy, how we love the park! Every time we go, we stay longer and do more. This time we checked out the little things to climb on, crawled through the mulch and went down the mini slide.

These pictures say a lot about their personalities...

Love This One!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Grandma's Kitchen

Max and Kate love to destroy Grandma's kitchen. Max loves to pull everything out of the drawers. Kate likes to put everything back in the drawers. GO TEAM WORK!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

11 Months

Time is flying by as we prepare for our big move and the kids change constantly.
Kate is cruising around, walks with big steps if you hold her hands, and has quite a personality. She is full of drama - she dances, shows us how big she is, and tries to get us to copy her by coughing, smacking her lips, and waving. She will crawl right up to our feet and stand up for an "uppie". Last week Kate discovered that the toilet has water - a milestone to remember!

Max got his third and fourth tooth within a week of each other. He babbles nonstop. He is very content playing by himself, with Kate, or with us. He likes pushing cars across the floor and chasing after them, opening and closing every door he passes, squeezing through tights spaces, crawling over things, standing, and dancing. He can eat a ton of food including all of Kate's leftovers, which she will drop on his tray when she is done eating.

As always, bath time continues to be a favorite time of the day. Max will play forever inside the tub, throwing toys out, while Kate will just as happily play outside the tub returning the toys to Max. This is a game that they play all day with their house, barn, and kitchen drawers -
in-and-out, in-and-out...
The fun never stops OR slows down!

Above Freezing

We took advantage of a little "heat wave" and played outside.

Ahhhh, the swing

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Do you remember those fuzzy PJs with grippie feet you had as a kid? I certainly do and maybe Max and Kate will remember too!

Kate admiring Grammie's quilt!

Max playing with an empty box!

Giving George a little love...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Welcome 2010! Peter and I enjoyed a nice day shopping for furniture and the kids spent the day with their cousin, Emma! They had a blast playing with her and all her fun new toys including a life-sized barn door with all sorts of bells and whistles (literally)!

Kate is busy pulling up on everything and transferring from one thing to the next. A new tooth popped through this morning. She enjoys saying "Hi"and "Bye" and waving. She will say hi or bye and wave every time she turns around or leaves a room. he loves Grandma's pots and pans drawers and flush the toilet in her new little toy house.

Max is a busy little guy, getting into all the cupboards and drawers, pulling out all the baskets and linens, opening and closing every door he passes. He loves the barn and house he got for Christmas because they both have plenty of doors and buttons to push and make noise. He is slightly obsessed with things that roll - car, dump truck, tins, balls, and empty yogurt cup. He is a little chatter box but we do not understand any of the gibberish!