Saturday, June 26, 2010

Good Friends!

What happens when you put together a summer day, a beautiful backyard, real BBQ, and old friends?

A lot of fun reminiscing and watching each others' children play together! It was so wonderful to see everyone!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

We Love Our Daddy

Thank you Daddy for all the ways you show your love.
You play with us inside-stacking blocks, making music, racing cars, & doing puzzles.
You play outside-pushing our swings, chasing dogs, and cooling us off with the hose.
You give us lots of fun treats like pineapple and fig newtons.
You take us to the grocery and give us limes, cheese, and cookies.
You hold our hands and help us walk and do somersaults.
You take us to the pool, park, zoo, and on picnics.
You give us tons of hugs and kisses.
You read us book after book.

No matter the time of day (or night) you make us feel very special - like we are the only little people in your whole wide world! Thank you for being our very best Daddy!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Max took his first two steps June 18, 2010!

It was a fabulous moment. Peter and I were getting ready to leave and we went to kiss and hug the kids good-night/good bye. I said Max let me give you a kiss and he walk two steps into my arms and gave me the biggest, most proud hug ever. I could barely contain the tears and of course there was a lot of cheering and screaming to go around!

I am sure it will be at least a week before he does it again but I have my video camera ready...


Monday, June 14, 2010

JC Raulston Arboretum

I took the kids to JC Raulston Arboretum at NC State. I had never been there, heard it was pretty nice, and thought the kids might enjoy exploring. This was probably not a good idea on my part since it was 93 degrees! The kids were real troopers - got in and out of their stroller multiple times, crawled on and off benches, tried to eat mulch, and almost went swimming with the coy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fridays on the Front Porch

We went to the Carolina Inn for Fridays on the Front Porch. Kate and Max both loved the live music, waving at everyone, and all the kids running around and dancing. Kate danced nonstop and Max tried to join the band.

The kids had a blast and we will definitely repeat this family night out!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

North Carolina Zoo

We visited the NC Zoo for the first time. The top sightings included a black bear, harbour seal, sea lion, birds, flamingos, and giraffes.

Kate almost cleared out the entire black bear section when she saw it - she screamed at the top of her lungs (excited scream) and tried to jump over the railing.

Max was thrilled to point out all the "Bas" in the aviary but we are pretty certain that playing with rocks and mulch really made his day!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

16 Months

It is a great time of year to be 16 months old. They have so much energy and enthusiasm for all things new and old. It does matter if it is the same routine every day or a brand new experience - they are so EXCITED!
Kate's walking skills have flourished this month. She can easily maneuver corners, changing directions, carrying things , and screaming wildly as she walks. She loves playing outside and reminds us to take her outside to play by sitting by the door and repeating "bye bye". She is eager to do anything outside especially if it has to do with water! She likes to shows us her belly button and says "tickle-tickle". She has become increasingly affectionate toward Max giving him hugs and kisses, telling him "Hi" when they wake up from naps, sharing his passie, and petting his head when he is upset.

Max is very mobile but not walking on his own. He has transitioned from the one-legged army crawl to crawling on his hands and knees. He easily gets up and down, climbs stairs and tables, and cruises with little effort. He and Kate rearrange furniture and Max has figured out how to move things in any direction he wants. His newest obsession is the color yellow. Any thing that is yellow (bath toys, blocks, sponge...) he collects and carries around and takes to bed. His Grandpa Dennis introduced him to cinnamon toast with butter and jelly, which is now his very favorite food. He loves to climb in and out of his pool and move toys between the pool, picnic table, and water table.

They make us smile...

Friday, June 4, 2010


Lovin' the pool and the freedom to get in and out again and again...

Snack Break

Back to the pool again...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Handy Mommy

Today, the kids fell asleep in their swings and I put together their picnic table.

Thanks Grandma Mary and Grandpa Dennis for the picnic table!

Neighborhood Pool

We went to the neighborhood pool for the first time this weekend. I had been having nightmares for weeks about the first trip - what to pack, what life-saving devices would work the best (I bought three different options and borrowed one), the best order for getting them dressed and ready to go... All that to say it was great! The kids were screaming and giggling and practically swimming out of our arms!

Max had a permanent grin on his face, dipped his face in the water, used the wall to get around, and zoomed around with Daddy.

Kate, our fearless fish, played with other kids (i.e. their toys), floated on her back, put her face in the water, and climbed the steps.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Water Table

We discovered a super fun toy at Emma's house this weekend - the water table. It is a small table that you fill with water and the kids stand/cruise around while splashing The kids had so much fun I could not resist getting one for our house. Kate decide that it was just the right size for her to climb into! (Note: not recommended by manufacturer) I must say it keeps her in one spot. She tosses the toys out, Max fetches them all, and repeat! Hours of entertainment! :)

Trying to rally them for lunch...