Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Aqua Tots

Anna was so excited, counting down the days! She did awesome and is motivated to be a part of the swim team one of these days.
Alex was excited, he said, "water, swimsuit, I swim in water, YAY!" He did so well and could not stop talking about it when he was done! He about exploded when Peter got home, "Daddy, I swim too!"

Monday, January 30, 2017

Star Wars In A Box

Somewhere between breakfast and leaving for school the kids created an entire star wars fleet...
I thought I was going to fill up the recycle bin, but maybe next week!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Tea Time!

Anna and Daddy had their special tea date at The Umstead Hotel.  Their tea service is absolutely splendid and filled with intricately designed sandwiches, fruits and sweet treats to go with tea (or hot chocolate). Anna had us all helping her get Rosetta and her ready - wardrobe, hair do, just in case bag for Rosetta, and a picnic baskets filled with treats. Anna was over-the-moon with her special day with Daddy!

Sunny Days

We have been so lucky to have warm, sunny afternoons. The kids are eager to play, play, play outside together - picnics, bikes, tennis, scooters, Nerf wars, hide-n-seek, tree houses.... their imaginations go wild!!!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Check-Up Selfie

Waiting for Doc...Selfie Time!
In case you were wondering, Bitty Baby also got a full check-up and a blanket to take home!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Tea with Daddy

Peter took Kate to the Carolina Inn for tea service as a Christmas gift. Kate was giddy and proud to be all dressed up and out with her Daddy for their annual tea together.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Thanks to Duke we got to tag along with Daddy on a work trip to Aruba! Peter had to work a wee little bit and we got to play A WHOLE LOT!!! we loved it all - beaches, ocean, pool, sunset dinners, kayaking, paddle boarding, Wacky Wahoo's, equanas, sand castles, treasure hunts.... We had an amazing trip!  

ARUBA - Beach Time

ARUBA - Pool

ARUBA - Caribbean Fun

Farewell Aruba

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Pipe Cleaner Bird Nest

The birds were chirpin' like crazy and we could not help ourselves... Anna was inspired to make a VERY colorful bird nest to put near our bird feeders.  We are hopeful we will get a whole family of birds to move in soon!

Uncle Maddio's

Our friends, Karl and Shannon, are proud owners of Uncle Maddio's Pizza! 
Congratulations Team Watson!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Bird Feeders

The happy birds inspired us to make birdseed feeders while enjoying the warm sun!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Not So Much SNOW - Day 5

Anna had school this morning and the rest of the kiddos were home with me.  We made the most of our morning out - library, starbucks, target!!! Then we did a little divide and conquer action - The big kids went to see Moana with neighbor Emma, the littles took a nap, baked and then got pedicures for our upcoming trip! The kids were absolutely thrilled to go to bed a little early so they could listen to a new book on CD!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

SNOW - Day 4

The entire morning was dedicated to building an ice fort/castle.  Max helped by chipping out chunks of ice from the sidewalk. Anna helped with decorations. Kate and Alex helped by sledding down the hill that had a wee-bit of snow on it. :) The kids were super proud of their team work!