Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mr. Peanut

I was so hopeful that Max's doctor appointment with the allergist would tell us that we were totally overreacting and his peanut allergy was no big deal. After a skin test that resulted in a very positive result (i.e. large hives where peanut touched) we were given a lot of information, resources ( ), and a tutorial for using the Epi-pen. Now we wait for blood test results to determine the level of peanut antibodies. This information will give us a baseline and determine whether we will qualify for a desensitization study at Duke.
Who knows, maybe we will be part of the 20% of kids who outgrow this allergy on their own!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One Year Photo Book

I think I have finished the kids' one-year photo book. I keep tinkering with it and changing my mind about things, but I think this is it... A few people have asked to see it, so I am going to post the link here and on the sidebar.

Here are a few of the one-year photos used to finish the book! Thanks Jenn!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Deck

The deck has become our new hot spot for these wonderful spring days. The kids love crawling around, rearranging the furniture, watching the neighbor kids run around, and talking to the birds.

Kate's language skills are flourishing by the hour. She is putting together more words like "Bird" and "Hi Mama", "Bye Mama", "It"(not sure about this one yet). She is busy exploring and trying new things. When she does something new she repeats it a million times which I find fascinating. She LOVES to watch the birds on the bird feeder. She points to everything which I find super adorable and helpful. She has begun to stand alone for a few seconds at a time.

Max says and waves "Bye" any time he comes or goes. He is getting more adventurous with standing and cruising around. He has started pushing the lion around the playroom. He tries to "bark" and "tweet" at the dogs and birds like Kate. Last week he had his first cold and got another tooth. We went to play with Merritt last week and Max enjoyed all the trucks and trains.

Together Moments! Kate and Max wave to each other. They both stand up in their cribs and squeal and giggle at each other. I am talking a good 30 minutes of this back and forth! LOVE IT! On the deck, they both push around the chairs together. It will be interesting to see who walks first!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Radio Flyer

I put together the adorable Radio Flyer bike that Aunt Lana and Uncle Charles gave Kate and Max for their birthday! The kids were very curious about all the parts that came out of the box especially the wheels.
Kate could not wait to get her hands on the tassels and she was thrilled to learn that she could make it move!

Max patiently waited his turn carefully studying the tassels the whole time!

The minute Max attempts to get on it himself...

Now they can both be pushing/riding something at the same time!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

13 Months

Kate likes to point to things and have us tell her what it is, what sound it makes, or give it to her especially if it is food. If we ask her where the owl or birds are on her wall she points to them. Kind of cute how she is learning to communicate.
Max is such a darling. Always smiling and dancing. He pulls himself up to standing very efficiently and is working on how to get back down. If we give him one finger he will pop his butt down on the floor. He also loves to show us "how big he is" when he is eating.
They have completely transitioned to whole milk and enjoy trying lots of new foods. Our favorites lately seem to be grilled cheese, quesadilla, grapes, and chicken sausage. They seem to be particularly interested in other children which makes story time at Barnes and Noble, errands, and the park even more fun!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Head Butt

Usually, this affectionate head butt is followed by a really wet kiss on Max's face!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cute Moments

In the jogger there is a divider between Kate and Max. They have discovered that they can reach their hands to the other side and tickle each other's fingers and then they start giggling so hard.

From Kate & Max - February 2010

Kate got out of the bathtub, dried off, and was playing with Max who was in the bathtub when she began to pee-pee. She looked down and was shocked. Then she tried to clean up her mess with her towel.
Whenever Kate sees a dog or hears the word "dog" she lets out two little high pitched noises which we believe are "barks".

Max has the gibberish thing going on all the time. To our surprise last night he said "Hi Dadada" clear as could be as soon as Peter walked in the door! Not sure if this was a complete accident but Peter completely melted!
He enjoys the Thomas train table at Barnes and Noble. He studies each car very carefully, watches the other kids move the trains and tries to copy them by putting the cars "to sleep" and pushing them through the tunnel.