Sunday, April 29, 2018


Alex scored his first GOAL this weekend!!!

Lacrosse Clinic

I love how our local high school sports teams run clinics for the elementary kids!  It is such a fun, positive experience for everyone involved.  Kate and a few friends did the lacrosse clinic last week which was a blast!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Spring Learning Experience

I do love an hour filled with crafts and smiles!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Marbles Field Trip

Alex and I got to tag along to Marbles Museum with Anna's class.  We had a very fun and interactive weather presentation followed by play time and a picnic lunch.  

Sunday, April 22, 2018


The kids had a little game going involving jumping into a pile of pillows.  It was going well until Alex missed the pillows... He cried and said his foot hurt but then got over it pretty quickly.  The next morning he would not put any pressure on the front of his foot and would only walk using his heel so I decided to get him checked out even though he was not complaining.  Fortunately, it was only a sprain and he had a great story to tell the kids when they got home from school! He limped around for two days and even hobbled through soccer without a single complaint - SUPER TROOPER!

Chapel Hill

Mimi and Pop Pop are officially residents of Chapel Hill, NC!
The kids and I helped prepare for the move - cleaning, rolling out paper runners, stocking the refrigerator and making sure camping was an option!!!
Uncle Matt and Uncle Andy have both spent oodles of time working on the houses - hanging shelves, working on electrical and plumbing details, organizing the garage and so much more. It has been a treat having them both around!
Mimi and Pop Pop are settling in nicely and we LOVE being able to visit them often!!!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Sneak Peak

The girls had a little preview of their upcoming dance recital this week.  They are so excited and proud of themselves and their class. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Harry Potter World

We are all big fans of Harry Potter.  We have read all the book, seen the movies (1-6) and are currently on book 5 in the audiobooks.  So to say we were excited to get to Harry Potter World is an understatement.  Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and riding the Hogwarts Express were beyond anything we could have imagined!  It was like stepping into the book!!!
Alex was most excited to get a wand and we all practiced spells throughout Harry Potter world Making umbrellas rain, lights turn on, skeletons dance, toilets flush, water fountains flow... truly addicting!
Peter was quite a sensation!
 The girls adopted baby Pygmy Puffs - there was an adoption ceremony!
The Butterbeer was an excellent treat!
Magical Vacation 2018!