Sunday, May 18, 2014

Emma's Big Day

We celebrated Emma's 5th Birthday this weekend.  She had a little mermaid pool party.  It was more than just a pool party...every minute was filled with crafts, games and food.  Aunt Abigail and Jolly (boyfriend) helped out with the pool activities.
 Liz organized and facilitated multiple crafts, a sea creature scavenger hunt and spinner activity.
The kids and I helped out with the cupcakes and snack pails (note the chalkboard labels!) for the kids. The kids decorated and filled their pails with snacks, pinata loot, sea creatures from the scavenger hunt and all their completed projects!
Birthday Cake
Such a fun party!!!
Afterwards, we hung around to see Emma get her big present - A BIKE!!!!  She was so stinkin' excited - absolutely adorable.


Susan said...

Wow! What a fun BD Party for Emma! Looks like
Everyone had so much fun! Sorry I missed it. Love all the smiles.
Love and hugs. YVBA

Emily G. said...

this makes me so happy (& so sad!) at the same time! love that your kids get to see their cousin so much; makes me wish I lived closer to Bec though :(