Monday, March 28, 2011

Two the Tiger

Kate has a pretend friend named Two. He is a tiger who lives outside. He is nice and he sleeps.

Nose Dive

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Duke Gardens

We had the most magnificent afternoon with Shannon at Duke Gardens. Shannon played with her camera in between helping kids down stairs and I chased them around and kept them out of the water (kind of). We topped off the field trip with dinner at Foster's!
From Flowers
From Flowers
From Flowers
From Flowers

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wormy and Snakey

MWe have been busy digging around in the dirt the past few weeks. One of the highlights is finding worms. This week Kate named her worm "wormy" and Max named his worm "snakey". Kate wants to hold her worm but when it starts to wiggle she puts it down to watch it move and tries to kiss it. Max loves to carry his worm around and give it special rides in his trucks.

One day it all ended like this:
Kate: "Mommy, wormy not moving"
Me: "I think wormy is sleeping, let's put him with the flowers."
Max: "Mommy, snakey brokey (broken)"
Me: "I think snakey went nigh-nigh, let's put both parts of snakey with the flowers".

The next day
Kate: Mommy, I put wormy in flowers"
Me: "Good Kate, I am proud of you."
Kate: "Max wormy, put in flowers, I do it"
Me: "I know all the wormies are happy now."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day Gram!

To: The Cutest Irish Women We Know!


Kate's First Hair Cut

Kate, Max, and I took a trip to our favorite stylist - Ms. Nicole. Max knew just what to do but Kate was new to the program. She watched Max and I get our hair cut and said, "my turn, hair cut too." She was up in the chair like she had done it many times before!

Max was such a little ham, he talked the entire time and showed off all his favorite tricks to Kate.

Admittedly, I told Peter last night either this is going to be a complete success or a complete disaster... It was a sucess in my mind - no tears, everyone followed directions, said "Thank You", and the mission was accomplished!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2nd Year Photo Book

I have enjoyed doing many photo books throughout the past two years for special occasions and holidays. I just received a final copy of the Max and Kate 2nd Year photo book and it brought back so many happy memories, smiles, and tears (and I made the thing). Words can not describe how much they have both changed, how much they have impacted our lives, and how many wonderful people are in their lives.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Whether we are in short sleeves or four layers deep, we are outside!

Friday, March 11, 2011

"Max, Pee-Pee Potty!"

We had an especially exciting morning. After four months of sitting on the potty next to Kate every morning, Max did the deed! Kate screamed, "Max, Pee-Pee Potty!" He got to choose his own "big boy" underwear, which required trying on a couple pairs, and wave bye-bye to his pee-pee. He was so excited to wear and show-off his choo-choos.

Kate did not pee-pee on the potty today so she did not get to select underwear. When she saw Max's underwear, she promptly took off her pants and sat on the potty to try again....Peer Pressure!
Update 3/14/2011
Max went poopie on the potty!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mimi, Pop-Pop No Go!

We are so very lucky to have Mimi and Pop Pop nearby. One or both come two-four times a month for the day and the kids look forward to every minute. This morning I asked the kids who they thought might come visit them today and they both screamed MIMI, POP-POP! Later in the morning Kate says, "Mommy, Mimi Pop-Pop driving car?"

We packed the morning hours with outside time - Box, Bikes, Dirt, Puddles, and Rocks!

Side Story: Pop-Pop was being silly at lunch and I asked Kate if Pop-Pop was being a goofball? Kate promptly repeated, "Pop-Pop Goofball!" with a giant grin. Sorry Pop-Pop :)
Thanks for visiting us!


Kate tends to demand Max's hand, "Max. Hands!" while Max just runs up to Kate and quietly says "hands" and grabs hold.

Either way makes me smile!

Trucks, Trucks, and More Trucks!

The kids and I enjoyed a wonderful morning with Sarah and Ian. We got to see their beautiful new home, play in their super fun playroom, and enjoy the most thoughtfully designed play structure! Max was in heaven with all the trucks!
Thank you for the fun day and the AMAZING pictures Sarah! I am pretty sure you are my favorite artist!

Let's do it again soon!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


My newest obsession - SPRING!
From Flowers

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Box

Mimi told us one day a lot of fun would come from an empty box!