Friday, August 29, 2014

Preschool Open House

I took Anna to her preschool open house at Good Hope Preschool.  She will be going two mornings a week and in the same classroom as MMO with different teachers - Ms Diane and Ms. Sandra.  Of course she wanted her school visit to be like Kate & Max's - she wanted pictures before she left, wondered if she would get a new special lunch bag and desperately wanted to ride the school bus...  As soon as we got to her classroom she made a beeline for the baby dolls and was thrilled that she got to play on the big kids playground.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

4 Weeks

My little man is four weeks old. We had a doctor visit and he is growing right on track.  He is now 8lb. 6oz and 20.87in long. He is still very sleepy with the exception of his two awake times first thing in the morning and late afternoon/early evening.  His neck has become noticeably stronger, he follows our voices and faces, holds our fingers and is very happy to be in the baby bjorn for infinite amounts of time.  He seems most content when all the kids are playing around him. Kate spends the most time with him, reading, singing, talking, holding him and helping in any way she can.
As Kate says, "Alexander is just so stinkin' cute!"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


My babies started kindergarten today! 
Max was a little anxious last night but seemed to be ready to go this morning. He was concerned about Kate being in a separate classroom the first day but we assured him he would see her throughout the day at lunch, recess, specials, and on the bus! Max outlined the different components and structure of the day for us at dinner and decided that the library was his favorite part of the day. 
Kate was a little nervous once we got to the classroom, but settled in quickly. She was eager to tell us every detail of the day including circle time, math, science, specials, reading, lunch, recess, snack, and her favorite part - the bus ride home!  She ran off the bus, gave me a big hug and screamed "I Love Kindergarten!" 
They both said they got to see each other throughout the day.  They waved to each other at lunch, gave each other a hug at recess and sat together on the bus. It just melts my heart how much they love each other.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Missing Our Amazeballs Aunty!!!

It is hard to believe that three weeks have past since Lana arrived from New Zealand and met Alexander hours after his birth! It has been an incredible three weeks filled with so many adventures, projects, play time, new foods, silly words (amazeballs, awesome-sauce) and time together.  This visit will forever be the most amazing gift she could ever give me and my family. I love you Lana!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Week 3 - My Little Man

My little man is already three weeks old.  Time flies... Alexander is growing steadily, has two "awake" times in the morning and afternoon when he wiggles on the floor, likes to be cradled or sitting on our legs as a backboard, is giving us more smiles, loves his tubby time, wants to be swaddled with his hands out and seems most content with noise all around him. I absolutely melt holding him in my arms and admiring his soft little parts. We are so blessed.

Boy Time

Max and Uncle Charles had some "boy time" together.  They did lots of legos, studied google maps, learned about New Zealand money, read books and horsed around.  Thanks Uncle Charles for the fun and memories.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Girl Time: Pedicures

Aunty Lana wanted to treat the girls to their very first pedicure!  Kate was in absolute heaven, thought she was a princess and could not stop smiling! Anna was a little apprehensive about the whole thing UNTIL the lady painted a flower on Kate's toe and then she was totally on board! :)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

More Fun with Aunt Lana

Aunt Lana asked the kids if they wanted to go to Pullen Park and the response was CHEERING!!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

First Tubby

Alexander LOVED his first tubby!

Field Trip to Fearrington

We all decided to take a short drive over to Fearrington one morning,  The belted cows and goats were a hit probably because they pooped right in front of the kids. We ran around the gardens.  We found a  good spot to set up a picnic and let the kids run around and play.