Thursday, February 23, 2017


I am not known for my spontaneity but the kids will tell you I am a sucker for a park just about any nice day(especially in February!).  Total fun for everyone!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wonderful Wednesdays

Alex and I treasure our Wednesdays... 
Library, Park, Walk, and Starbucks - It's a good life!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Pink Blossoms

While Kate & Max have tennis lessons, Anna, Alex and I like to explore...
Today the blossoming trees were calling our names!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Learning Experience

Kate and Max had an awesome valentine's celebration in their classroom.  They made the cutest monster bags to hold all the valentine's from friends, made a super cute pudding parfait, played games, exchanged valentine's and built their own catapults to help Cupid deliver his messages. 

Valentine's Day Parties

We celebrated Valentine's Day at preschool today!

Anna's class had a fun filled hour of crafts, valentine exchange, BINGO, photo booth and a special gift for the parents. The kids were so excited to share valentine's with their friends.
Alex's class worked in pairs and moved around the room to stations painting, sand box, blocks and sensory bin! So cute!! Alex was so excited that Anna got to play with him in his classroom!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Letting Go!

We had a few balloons hanging around from the past two weekends, so we decorated them and sent them off to be found by people near and far.  The kids are hopeful one will make it to England or Spain or possibly California... It was a very cute way for everyone to be involved with letting our balloons go!
If you see one of our balloons, send us an email😉.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Kimball Baby Shower

We were so excited to host a baby shower for Liz, Brandon and Emma. We totally went all out with the pink and gold to make the Twinkle Little Star theme dazzle!  We had a couple of simple games and a Diaper Cake Contest, a yummy brunch, gifts and cupcakes! It was a spectacular day filled with so much love!
Diaper Cake Contest
Games and Gifts
Kid Zone
A special thank you to Mimi for facilitating the kids zone inside and outside. The kids loved their projects and games and you made it especially memorable.
It was a special day for a very special couple.