Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 18

I feel this blog is much less exciting than the ones with pics, so I have delayed moving the thumb suckers down at all. I think things are progressing quite nicely and quickly. It feels like constant flutters and from time-to-time a light thump. You can see by the slideshow of the belly pics (right side) that between week 16 and week 17 the bump really popped. My next detailed anatomy scan (i.e. more pics) will be October 17 and I am already counting the days to see our little wigglers in action.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sucking Their Thumbs

Both babies likes to find their fingers.

Week 16 Anatomy

Today we had the detailed anatomy scan done. Both babies look great, have all their right parts in the right places, move around constantly, and measure the correct age. We are so happy! Now on to the fun part - Pictures. Both of these pictures display the babies in their relaxed position. Baby A (Girl) likes to keep her butt in the air. Baby B (Boy) likes to play it cool and just chill out.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 15

More Wonderful News.... I just returned from a doctor appointment where I talked the nurse practitioner into doing an ultrasound even though I am getting a detailed anatomy scan next week. Baby A and B are both doing quite well, the right size, active, good heartrates. They were moving like crazy and it was hard to get any good pictures. Baby A, the calmer one of the two, was happy to lay out so we could see her head to toe. She waved at us and then started sucking her thumb. Too cute for words! Then the more challenging of the two, Baby B, tried everything in his powers to avoid being seen. He turned his head toward us and feet toward my back, then decided that was not comfy so switched but crossed his legs, apparently that was not working for him either so he turned and faced us but put his hands in front of his parts. What a mess... As you might have gathered we are having one of each Baby A=Girl and Baby B=Boy!!! I mean can it get much better...

Friday, September 5, 2008

I Think It Has Happened...

This week seems to be very eventful in the growth and development of the little bundles of joy! Not only did I feel the first flutters of Baby B, but my tummy has officially "popped". There is just no hiding it now! One of my teachers very kindly suggested that I make sure I tell anyone I have not told since it is more than obvious! Hehehe! A very fun development indeed!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Week 14

WOW, so I think I felt the flutter of Baby B for the very first time last night. I did not move for two hours hoping it would continue forever. Honestly, what a miracle!