Friday, September 28, 2012

11 Months - Gates Are Up!

Anna wants to be involved with everyone and everything.  Max and Kate have learned to play up high if they do not want Anna to touch and expect her to climb in their fort when they are on the floor. She moves pretty fast and can easily get from sitting to crawling.  So we had to put up a gate to her room and we had to start using the retractable gates at the top and bottom of the stairs.

This month she made two big trips - one to the beach and one to Maine.  She did really well in the car and on the plane.  She warms up quickly to new people or people she has not seen in a while.  Sometimes, she will be serious for a minute and look at me like "do we know this person?" and I talk to the person and she smiles and is ready to be friends.  She was very interested in her baby cousin and constantly wanted to touch him.

She is communicating well with a few words, pointing, reaching and tossing.  She points to things and says "dare(there)!".  She especially gets excited about things that fly around like birds, bees, and butterflies.  She has added a few words to her repertoire - ball, dare, iss (this), dat (that), baba (bottle). 

She loves her little stuffed animals especially the little ones that have stringy arms and legs so she can hold on tight.  She seems to always have Baby Bunny (a gift from Aunty Lana) or the Baby Bear (a gift from Mimi) in her arms.  She drags them all around and I have even let her sleep with one or the other a few times and found her curled up around it - so stinkin' cute! 
She enjoys playing with her toys.  A bowl and spoon can entertain her but variety is the spice of life so we have been pulling out more toys from Kate and Max.  Max likes to set  up her farm "the right way" then she pulls everything out and opens and closes the barn doors a hundred times.  Kate sets up the doll house and Anna pulls everything out and throws it everywhere and then opens and closes the toilet seat (it flushes) a hundred times. 

Oh sweet Baby Girl, your smile lights up our world. We love you so much!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Common Ground Fair

This fair was spectacular!  It was a very large but simple fair - no fancy signs, no big rides, no overflowing garbage cans... instead you found the nicest chicken coupes EVER, recycling stations, organic ______, spontaneous parades and a wonderful childrens' area wear you could paint, make beads, paper mache a tree, jump off of bales of hay, create your own vegetable costumes, dance party, make your own bread and the list goes on.  Besides jumping off hay stacks and getting REALLY dirty from painting and swimming in paper mache goop, the highlight was the hour spent sliding down a grass hill on scrap cardboard!  Seriously, the kids had a BLAST and I would have gone back all three days if we were going to be in town. SO MUCH FUN!

Kids made their own bread after grinding wheat into flour.

Horse drawn ride gave the kids a peek at the entire animal area.

Play time with Pop Pop

The kids stood a long line several times to jump into a big pile of hay.

 Painting Wall - We gave up on staying clean at this point! :)
Paper Mache

 The Hill

Monday, September 24, 2012

Belfast, Maine 2012

We have just returned from an AMAZING week in Belfast, Maine visiting Mimi and Pop Pop (Mary Ellen & Ken).  The kids were in Mimi/Pop Pop heaven complete with books, crafts, baseball, ice cream cones, a boat ride, picnic lunches, parks, lighthouses, lobsters, crabs, a camp fire and the fair.  Peter and I enjoyed the extra special family time, time for ourselves and time together.  The simplicity of Belfast (and the cool, dry air) was invigorating! 

Searsport Shores Camp Grounds
Playground, Goats, Picnic Lunch, Beach Combing

This lobster shack is right around the corner from the house.  The lobsterman caught the lobsters that morning and we hand selected our own dinner.  The kids were very interested but Anna was the only one who would touch a lobster!

Miss Ellie to Cape Jellison
Fort Point Lighthouse
Boat ride to the Fort Point Lighthouse. Picnic under the bell tower.

Mimi hit the jackpot with catching crabs off the dock using hotdogs, string and clothes hangers! We caught 15+ crabs in less than 20 minutes.

The kids picked their own apples (and we supplemented with a few more) to make our own applesauce.

Camp Fire
The kids have wanted to roast marshmallows forever - so of course Mimi and Pop Pop made sure that happened!

Mimi and I took the kids to Camden while the guys went sailing.  We met Mimi's friend Ms. Barboo for a picnic, duck feeding, and shopping.

Belfast City Park
Love this park - right around the corner

Common Ground Fair
This deserves its own post...
Thank you Mimi and Pop Pop for making this such an incredibly fun, relaxing, and memorable week!