Friday, May 16, 2014

Known Local

Usually, when Anna is at MMO, the kids are in school too.  However, today was the exception so the three of us got to spend a little time together going on a walk, searching for bunnies, playing and going to the strawberry farm. 

We arrive at the farm, get out our pickin' pails and get the wave from the owner to have fun! When we are done, there is a new person checking us out. She charges me for my pickin' pails and I politely explain that we have already purchased these pails...then the most beautiful thing happens - the owner hollers, "Oh, she is good to go, she has been coming with the kids for years!" Oh how this made my day! I am a known local (even if it is just by one person)!


Susan said...

Oh how precious for you three to have some time. Strawberries rock and you guys are great puckers. It is good to be familiar! Awesome.

Susan said...

Well come to think of ot I think Kate and Max were strawberry pickin before they were walking