Friday, December 25, 2009

Our First Christmas

It has been a busy and memorable holiday. We started the holiday with a friendly gathering at the Devries (family friends) house Wednesday night. The kids had a blast playing with a three year old girl and a one and a half year old boy. Kate tried desperately to follow them around and Max was completely amazed by them both. Uncle Matt was my second husband and toted the kids and I around town.

Christmas Eve was super fun as everyone started arriving to town. The Kranz family met the Johnson family at O'Henry hotel for tea and pastries - Ken and Mary Ellen's Christmas Eve tradition. It was so nice and relaxing and a great way to kick off the holiday weekend. We capped off the evening with homemade Shrimp and Grits (YUMMY) and Secret Santa gifts.

Christmas was very exciting! Kate and Max enjoyed unwrapping gifts at several points during the day between eating and naps. As we anticipated the wrapping paper was the highlight but now that we have taken things out of the packaging (WOW) they are really enjoying the farm, house, riding toy, push toy, laptop, Madeline doll, truck, bath toys, and books to mention a few! The Kranz family enjoyed a wonderful brunch and we went to Liz and Bill's house for a Johnson Christmas. The cousins had a blast by the Christmas tree and in the tub!

The following day the Johnson family got together again to enjoy homemade lasagna by Lana! It was so fantastic and now her and Charles are off the New Zealand for another extended stay.

Mom and Dad Kranz were generous enough to invite my parents, Liz, and Emma to dinner Sunday night. The parents had a great time sharing ridiculous stories of our past and present.
Thank you to all of our friends and family who have made this a special and very memorable Christmas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How are things at Grandma and Grandpa's house?

We are all making the adjustment to Grandma and Grandpa's house. The kids are exploring every corner. Grandma and Grandpa have done an amazing job preparing for our arrival - toys in baskets in every room of the house, safety proofing throughout the house, and delicious treats for us all. We have been able to maintain our daily schedule, I get time to myself each day (YAY), and Momma Kranz has been cooking some amazing meals! Life is Good!

Kate and Max have found a favorite spot to enjoy their bottle - in front of these beautiful doors/windows that lead out to the deck. The birds and squirrels come to eat and play, which amuses them both.

Max and Kate are enjoying Peter, Andy, and Matt's toys. Max especially loves the train.

We have spent a lot of time in Grandma's studio. The kids love the rocking chair especially when Grandma rocks and reads!

First Snow

Kate and Max enjoyed their first snow in both Durham and Greensboro, NC this year! They both woke up to snow falling after an afternoon nap and they were very curious about the flakes as they watched through the window. It was super cute. We took them outside to play (i.e. sit) in the snow that actually accumulated in Greensboro. I do not think they understood why they had cold, wet butts...

Watching the snow fall from their bedroom window in Durham!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good-Bye House

Today, we are posting our last blog entry from our very first home. Peter and I moved into our townhouse five years ago, November 23, 2004! We have enjoyed many things about the house, neighborhood, and city of Durham. Mostly, we enjoyed making our nest a very special place filled with wonderful memories and lots of love. Our children may not remember their very first home, the nursery where many of their "firsts" have happened, the living room where their moses baskets sat on the coffee table the first few months of their lives, the family room floor where they had tummy time, the kitchen where they started eating solid foods, the doorways that held their jump-n-go, the bathroom where they took their first bath, the hallways that they crawled through, the stairs they used to practice pulling-up on, or the closets they would play in. We will forever remember our first home and I am more confident than ever the happiness and love of our family will fill our next home with even more unforgettable memories.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

We Love Bath Time

Have I mentioned that we love the bathtub?

Seriously, the kids enjoy every part from getting naked to drying off.
It is a guaranteed happy fest!

Friday, December 11, 2009


I took the kids to a nearby park the other day. I put them in the bucket swings and let them go. Oh my Gosh, they squealed and giggled the entire time. We are definitely going back to the park very soon!

Kate stealing Max's hat

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I thought it was my job to take the kids to see Santa. So I found a Santa with a real beard which made me very happy. I was very proud of them for sitting in line and hopping on Santa's lap. Unfortunately, as soon as I backed away the lips started quivering...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Hair Cut

Max and I had an afternoon together. We went to my hair stylist for Max's first hair cut (trim)! I was so proud of him. He was very social with all the ladies and little boys in the shop, sat in the chair like a big boy, allowed the lady to trim his hair with no tears or unexpected moves, and sat quietly while I got my hair cut. My little buddy!

We Are Moving

I have inadvertently caused confusion about moving. So here is the scoop...

We found a house in Cary in August. It was just being built and we got to do a lot of the selections - LOVE IT! We put our house on the market and it sold in five weeks! We closed on the townhouse November 25 and are renting back until Dec. 19. We do not close on the Cary house until January 15; therefore, we are moving in with Mom and Dad Kranz in Greensboro for this period of time which overlaps with the holidays.

We are super excited about this move and can hardly wait for Kate and Max to explore their new house and make lots of fun new memories.
From House