Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Buckwheat Farm

We returned to Buckwheat Farm for our third year of blueberry picking.  We totally lucked out with the weather.  We had some showers on our way over, then it was overcast and 82 degrees while we picked - PERFECT!
Anna probably picked he most blueberries.  She would climb in the center of trees and disappear on rows until you would hear a little voice call out, "I got one!" She was in her own little world.
Max was on a competitive streak...coming up with his own games to see who could pick the most blueberries the entire time.
Kate was somewhere in the middle - picking, eating and competing. She was absolutely thrilled that there were so many animals roaming around - bunnies, deer, horse, goats and peacocks to mention a few! :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

OK Now I need to stop at the grocery store Blueberrys. Those look so yummy. You did a great job. Anna was your pail heavy?