Monday, August 19, 2013

Starpath Dance Academy

Starpath Dance Academy is a new dance studio that opened just one mile from our house!!! Kate (and I) are thrilled about this new little studio and super sweet instructors.  Kate's group does both ballet and tap. They have a specific uniform - pink tights, blue leotard, pink ballet slippers and black buckle tap shoes. Kate has been "practicing" her tap dancing in the garage for a month! Today was her first class and we were twenty minutes early because she just could not wait!
Side Note: Max was so excited for Kate that he picked flowers for her hair and packed a "relaxation bag" to keep himself busy during class.


Emily G. said...

Kate is super cute and I just about died - Max packed a relaxation bag!? Hilarious!!

Susan said...

So very adorable. And Max you Rick too. Kate and MX are super!