Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Discovery Preschool

We are trying something new this school year... We have added an afternoon program to three days of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) for Max and Kate.  Discovery Preschool is down the road from their morning preschool and we learned about it through a couple of neighbors and preschool friends that love it.  The kids went to camp there this summer to give it a try and meet their teachers and absolutely LOVED it.  We are not sure if the kids are ready (read: we are not sure if Mommy is ready for this transition) but we are going to give it a whirl.
 Homework Already - Yikes!  
We had a lot of fun looking through pics from the summer and decorating with tape (our new favorite medium)! The kids were super excited to show their teachers.
 Finding their hook for their bookbag.
 Getting right to work!
The kids came running out of school with giant smiles, new friends and stories to share!!!
Anna was thrilled to have her buddies back home!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Sure looks like a great program. So mom how are you handling this? I am guessing that Anna is not real happy. Must miss her buddies.
Love and hugs. YVBA