Friday, August 16, 2013

Museum of Life and Science

We always enjoy our visits to the Museum of Life and Science in Durham.  It has so much to offer that the kids and I have never really seen everything.  When we took Lana, it was our mission to see a section that we had never visited before, Catch the Wind, and watch new butterflies be released in the Butterfly house.  Mission accomplished... with only one meltdown(Anna) and one strip down(Kate)!
 Butterfly House

 Catch the Wind - Seed Tower

Catch the Wind - Sailboat Pond

Catch the Wind - Into the Mist
Kate saw water and stripped...:)  Anna liked putting her face on top of the misters. She had a complete meltdown when we left this section - I think she really liked it!  Max thought he was the king of the mist hills and organized races across the mist field!
All three kids thanked me and Aunty Lana for taking them on such an "amazing adventure"!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

WOW! That looks so amazing. I have never seen anything like it. Great pics fore sure