Sunday, December 9, 2012

Polar Express

I absolutely love the Polar Express story.  When I saw the movie on last week I quickly hit the record button so I could show the kids.  In my attempt to be more spontaneous, we invited the Mudd girls next door over for dinner and a movie.  Kate and Max were sooo excited, they set the table, helped make mac-n-cheese, put on their favorite PJs and set the stage for a relaxing Friday night in front of the TV with popcorn.  Everyone had a blast.  Anna was thrilled to eat with all the big kids and crawl all over the pillows and kids until she about rubbed her nose off she was so tired.  Fortunately for us the Mudd girls are the sweetest kids on the planet and humored us by wearing their PJs, laughing at our dinner faux pas, kindly explaining the movie was happy not scary, laughing at me, sharing their Christmas wish lists over a yummy dessert Ms. Nicole sent and reading The Polar Express as our bedtime story.  I think we have found ourselves a new tradition! :)

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