Saturday, December 1, 2012

Let the Festivities Begin!

It is December and we have officially kicked off the holiday season this week with crafts, baking, holiday cards, special deliveries, and decorating the house.

The kids are more excited than ever.  They remembered Alphie from last year and have been looking for him all week.  He arrived and you would have thought we were in Disney again - So excited.  Kate keeps talking to Alphie about all the good things her and Max are doing.  She also had a chat with him about the one thing she really wants from Santa.

Letters to Santa
Both wanted exactly one thing from Santa!
Kate wants a Calico Critter House
Max wants a Playmobil Pirate Ship
Penguins - Gingerbread Men - Beaded "Treasures' - Advent Snowman - Painting
 Anna noticed every little detail.  She points out everything and says "Wow!" or "This?!"
The kids decided they needed decorations for their room so we decide to decorate their headboards with a few crafts and make wreaths for above their bed and load the windows with stickers.

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

I love their room!! :)