Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

WOW, what a whirlwind of excitement.  Each year, I do not think it can possibly get better but it does...and this year was certainly no exception.  

Kate's flurry of excitement and visions of sugarplums and reindeer dancing in her head were in full force Christmas eve. She was constantly looking out the window and listening for bells and assigning people jobs to do in case she spotted Santa and his reindeer.  Unfortunately, I found her Christmas morning totally disappointed because she thought she stayed awake all night and Santa never came...  Thankfully her dreams of a critter house became a reality and she was in a world of pretend the rest of the day.
Max was is explanation and gift making mode. He had explanations fr how the reindeer and Santa might land on the house and come down the chimney and how Alphie gets to and from the North Pole.  He was constantly cutting, pasting, painting and wrapping gifts in his playroom.  Christmas morning he so excited and focused on building his pirate ship with Uncle Matt and Daddy.  Once that ship was ready, he was huddled over it for hours talking to himself, explaining to others and pretending to be the captain.
Anna has no idea what was going on but she tunes in to the excitement and joy from Kate and Max and follows their lead whenever possible.  She seemed to understand that Max's pirate ship was off limits but Kate's critter house was perfect for pulling up on!  She was is heaven holding her new little baby, eating puffs, and using a new sippy cup while the kids opened gifts.

We are truly blessed!

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