Wednesday, August 3, 2011

National Night Out 2011

The kids and I happened upon National Night Out in the parking lot of our neighborhood pool. A fire truck, police cars, emergency personnel, and local retailers were promoting safety and community awareness. Max was so excited to see the firetruck and I was certain he would be climbing all over the fire truck. However, as much as the firemen and I tried, he would only take laps around the fire truck and watch the other kids go inside. Every time the firemen would ask him if he wanted to go inside he would say, "in a minute." Kate sat patiently on the curb until the police cars pulled up then she dragged Max and I to every car and hugged every officer! She made sure to get two of everything - pencils, stickers etc. so she could share with max (so cute). They also enjoyed their first snow cone - a delicious mess! :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

Sno-cones! I love them! Do you? What a fun event! Hey Kate and Max I miss you and wish I could give you big hugs! Love and Hugs to you, your Mommy and Daddy!