Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oh Geez...

Yesterday, the kids were "helping" me fold laundry by playing in the bathroom when I hear 'click' as they locked themselves into the toilet closet... You know I could not find one of the five million keys they put above the doors to save my life. Fortunately, I had a contractor at the house and he kindly offered to help get the kids out. I am pretty sure they had the best time ever since all we heard was giggling and all we saw was toilet paper EVERYWHERE!


Emily G. said...

too funny!!! I'm sure it was scary though. glad they are ok.

N locked me out of the house one time when he was younger and even though I easily found our spare, I was FREAKING OUT for those 30 seconds he was in there alone!

Susan said...

LOL!!!! Still LOL! Still LOL!!!!!
I love it! I can picture it all.
And they are not even two! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Love and hugs, YVBA