Saturday, April 4, 2020

Homeschool: Week 3

We had a busy week of learning and doing.  The kids worked on lots of review using a combination of books, computer and project-based activities.  We did a lot of activities that related back to books read like Going on a Bear Hunt (Hunt and Map), Chrysanthemum (name poems) and Three Little Bears (Build a House).  Everyone got a chance to zoom with their teachers and classmates. We had a writing workshop during the afternoons in which we wrote our own stories - some are finished, others are works in progress! We surprised Mimi with art on her driveway to admire from afar! Kate baked and decorated a strawberry cake. Bird feeders were devoured (by the squirrels). The weather was excellent for silly walks! 
 *Morning Work*

* Writing Workshop*
*Zoom Time*
* Bear Hunt *
We found 16 bears!
 Mimi's Surprise!
* Little Adventures*
Peter worked from home all week.  He was able to do some awesome cooking, fix the lawn mower, replace Anna's bike tire (she blew out last weekend!) and repair out back porch door. 

1 comment:

Susan said...

Well everyone sure had a busy week... beyond busy and lots of creative energy flowing! Hope to read the stories. Love and hugs, YVBA