Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Perfect Storm

We got our annual SNOW!  It was perfect - 3 days of anticipation, early release and SNOW!
Play Day (school cancelled) + Weekend = 3 day weekend!!! 
When I say Play Day, I mean the kids were up with full gear and outside at 8am!  I had to beg them to come in for hot chocolate (before it got cold) and then beg them again to come in for lunch and could hardly get clothes out of the dryer and they were gearing up to go back out! Even the next day, they scouted out the shadowy spots that had not melted and played until lunch.  
They did not want to miss a moment!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Love all the enthusiasm over the snow. Reminds me of playing on the hill of snow at grammas and grandpas!