Thursday, February 6, 2020

Kate is 11

Kate, Katio, Katarooni, KK is ELEVEN years old today!
How the days and years fly by...

Our sweet little girl is as kind, patient and generous as always.  Kate works hard in school and takes it all in stride. She is involved in lots of activities through Student Council and PALS. She started her own dog biscuit business, Treats Without Tricks, with her friends Emma and Sumi. Rock Climbing is a a passion she looks forward to each week.  She seems to love the challenges and working at her own pace to achieve goals. 
Kate, we love her curiosity, creativity and courage.  Most of all, we love that you are growing up to be a beautiful, independent and loving individual who is passionate about many things including your family, friends, baking, writing, drawing and animals.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Kate your photos are great and your mom said it all in the blog. Love you and always will. Happy Birthday! Love and hugs, YVBGA