Thursday, February 6, 2020

Max is 11

Max, Maximilian, Maxie, Maximus is ELEVEN today!

Max works hard all the time.  It does not matter if he is doing LEGOS, homework, chores, or tossing the baseball - he gives it 110%.  Max loves his role in Student Council and finds himself very involved in a variety of tasks for the teachers, school and community. His love of baseball continues as he reflects on the past seasons and looks forward to upcoming seasons. Max loves reading and learning new things especially about history and how governments work and change over time.

Max, you are an eager, creative, intelligent, compassionate and fearless young man.  We love your curiosity and wonder for all things old, new and futuristic.  There are no limits to your mind.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Max the photos really reflect you and it shows in all that you have experienced in the past year. Your mom sums it up so well. Love you always! Love and hugs, YVBGA Happy Birthday!