Friday, October 31, 2014

My Sweet Little Boy

Alexander is 3 months old.  Oh, how I love every inch of his little body that seems to grow and change by the day.  He is so smiley and LOVES LOVES LOVES when we talk to him.  He is so expressive with his eyes, smiles, and wiggles.  He is on the verge of a giggle...any day now! He plays with his hands continuously and sucks on his fingers. He has slept through the night twice! He is happy just about anywhere -  on the floor, in the bjorn, in the stroller, in the car, in his bed.  He is simply a happy, content little boy!


Susan said...

True Alexander is a special little guy with a great personality and responds to his family and seems so content when Mom is near by or cuddling him. I loved holding him through his naps so cuddly! Love
All the sounds he makes but his smiles melt his GAunty!
He knows his mom and dad and if brother and sisters!

Love and hugs, YVBA

Susan said...

Oops Big brother and sister!