Thursday, September 11, 2014


Kate and I were discussing what it meant to be a tattletale...when she said, "Max got in trouble at school yesterday." The good role model that I am said, "Really??? Tell me more." When I asked Max if there was anything he wanted to tell me he came right out with the truth about chatting too much and being sent back to his seat during circle time.  So we had a serious discussion... The next day I asked Max if he got in any trouble and he said, "No, I don't think so... Kate, did I get in any trouble today?"
My little old couple...

1 comment:

Susan said...

They are such "Buddies". I love it. And kudos to Max for being up front and kudos to Mom and Dad in raising honest kids. They know you love them no matter what! Love and hugs. YVBA