Saturday, September 13, 2014

6 Weeks

My little man is 6 weeks old!  He is smiling more and making more "happy noises" in addition to his grunts and growls.  He wiggles all about, arms and legs flailing around, occasionally hitting a noise maker and tracking our voices and faces.  He seems to intentionally reach out to touch his black dog and gives it "kisses". When he is on his tummy, he is working on lifting his head and turning it to the other side. He has rolled from his tummy to back three times this week.

He is content in the baby bjorn, stroller, carseat and swing.  He is stretching out his feedings to 3.5 (sometimes 4) hours.  We transitioned his to his crib at four weeks which is going well so far.  He loves to be cuddled, especially on our chests, which is oh so warm and relaxing! :)

The kids just ADORE him.  Kate comes right in from school and starts talking to him. Anna is always helping me do stuff and trying to include him in her pretend play! Max cracks up at any mention of poop or boob juice - what a boy!

We love our little guy from his head to his toes!


Susan said...

Precious little man indeed. He is so loved and appears to be so alert. How could he not with his brothers and sisters playing with him. Love and hugs YVBA

Emily G. said...

cutie pie! so glad you guys are adjusting so well to being a family of SIX!! crazy! :)