Monday, September 15, 2014

Stresses of a 5-Year Old

Max had to stay home from school today due to a fever.  When I broke the news that he was going to have to stay home, he sobbed... After a while, he gathered his thoughts and said, "Mom, I have made a list of my worries, are you ready to hear them?" As serious as I could be, I listened very intently to his list of worries (bless his heart):
1. What about Letterland?!?!
2. I will miss free choice time
3. I will miss my friends at school
4. Not getting pokeman cards
5. Not riding the bus

1 comment:

Susan said...

Max those are big worries ! I said a prayer for you so that God would help you feel better and take your worries away. Love and hugs YVBGA