Friday, August 8, 2014

Papa D's Birthday Surprise

Papa D turns 60 this month!!!  We decided to throw a little birthday surprise party at a local restaurant in Cary since they were going to be in Wilmington for vacation this week and we secretly knew that Lana was going to be in the country.  Papa D thought he was coming to town to have dinner with us but he had no idea ALL of his girls would be there including Lana from New Zealand and he would be meeting his newest grandson, Alexander!!!  It was a perfect evening filled with lots of little surprises and special memories!
Abigail pulled together a bunch of pictures to decorate the table which we also turned into a scrapbook for Papa D.  Papa D Scrapbook


Erin said...

love this!
a) your parents are so young!
b) you are a rockstar getting out of the house for a big surprise party with a 1 week old (or less!)!
c) please teach me how to french braid!
d) hi lana! move back :)! (jk, i'm sure new zealand is awesome!)

Susan said...

Congratulations Dennis Congrats to the girls for pulling a great surprise party together. Looks like all ages had a great time. Congrats to all. But hey more pics!
Love and hugs. YVBA

Susan said...

Love the handprints in stone. Kudos little ones. Great job!
So what was in the big box?