Thursday, August 28, 2014

4 Weeks

My little man is four weeks old. We had a doctor visit and he is growing right on track.  He is now 8lb. 6oz and 20.87in long. He is still very sleepy with the exception of his two awake times first thing in the morning and late afternoon/early evening.  His neck has become noticeably stronger, he follows our voices and faces, holds our fingers and is very happy to be in the baby bjorn for infinite amounts of time.  He seems most content when all the kids are playing around him. Kate spends the most time with him, reading, singing, talking, holding him and helping in any way she can.
As Kate says, "Alexander is just so stinkin' cute!"

1 comment:

Susan said...

Kate I agree. Alexander is stinking cute. I hope you will share him with me when I visit in Oct. Love you all and miss you oodles. Love and hugs. YVBGA