Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Last Day Being Four

The enthusiasm around this 5th birthday is absolutely fantastic!  I mean I can not tell you how excited the kids have been, counting down the days until they turn five, parties, cakes, etc.  Five is apparently a BIG deal - who knew???  However, today 'reality' seems to be setting in for Max...

When the kids woke up I said you can only turn five if you promise to keep loving me.
Max: Mom, if we just wait, we will still turn five.
Kate: Mom, I will always love you (phew, someone still loves me)

At breakfast I mentioned that today was the last day as four year olds...
Max started crying and said, "I am not ready to be a grown up yet..."

In carpool, the program director comes up to me and says that Max came to up to her with his most serious/worried face and said, "Ms. M, I have some very bad news, today is our last day being four at preschool."
Bless his little heart...

1 comment:

Susan said...

OMG! They are so precious!!!! Wish I were there to see them turn five! Who knew it was a very big deal???? You will always be loved by them and Anna!
Love and hugs, YVBA