Wednesday, December 25, 2013

More Christmas

Mimi, Pop Pop and Aunt Anita came Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for A LOT of food and a ton of play time!  The kids were spoiled with the most thoughtful gifts.  Pop Pop refinished a wooden cradle and Mimi made pillows and blankets for Anna's babbios.  Max was absolutely thrilled to get another lego set.  Kate went nuts when she opened the snow globe from the Nutcracker which she had just seen with Mimi and Pop Pop a couple weeks back. The most important gift they gave the kids was time to play together which they all embraced in their own ways - legos, tea parties, sewing projects and story time to mention a few.  We are so blessed to have this time together.

1 comment:

Susan said...

What fun! Everyone seems so happy and engaged so intently with each other. I am sure you all had a fabulous day with lots of love and hugs. Great family time I am sure. Love YVBA