Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Morning!!!

Every moment, day and week that has led up to this morning I have cherished!!! I felt like we all embraced the season with so much fun, family, giving, sharing and creating. This morning was a grand culmination of it all with a lot of squealing and paper bits flying.

Max could not have been more excited about the lego land that was created in our kitchen. He got straight to work and did not stop until lunch.

Kate loved her new bunnies fiercely but the absolute hit of the day was a princess cupcake game she has been asking for since this summer.

Anna kept saying, "one more time" every time she finished opening a present.  The tea set and band-aids were the hit of the morning.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh the pics and expressions captured are so great. Thanks for sharing them. You have had a great mix of creating sharing and love. Couldn't as for more. Love and hugs. YVBA