Saturday, June 9, 2012

Pool Season

The season has opened (i.e. the water is warm enough) at the "big cool".   I spent weeks mentally preparing, packing and organizing the pool bag and fighting nightmares regarding large bodies of water.  I can honestly say it went well.  A nice Mom of three helped me figure out the water baby Bjorn given to me by a neighbor and another neighbor showed up with her little girl so I had company.  Max and Kate made friends with kids from the swim team and they all played fun little games.  Max swam back-and-forth telling everyone he was a scuba diver.  Kate discovered Barbies. Anna fell asleep in my arms while wading in the pool. Copious snacks were consumed!  It was a good start to the season.


Susan said...

Hey, big pool is great. They have their wings so they will be fine. Are they going to take swimming lessons? Pool time is really the best. I loved it!
Love and hugs, YVBA

wdrwoman said...

You are so brave....