Sunday, January 15, 2012


Lana and Charles said their final farewells last Wednesday.  We had one last day together Tuesday and we all enjoyed every little minute of play time, cocktail hour, and a wonderful Moroccan dinner made by Lana and Charles.  

The entire visit was so memorable. Some of the highlights include meeting Anna for the first time, Christmas, Wilmington, last minute wedding shopping and details, dinners, wine, target, late night talks, Brazilian waxes, eclair cake, soy lattes, walks around the lake with all three kids, a trip to Yolo, and the final farewell with bag lunches in hand.  It took a while to dry up the tears but Max shared his fire truck with me and Kate let me borrow her scooter and life seemed a little better. :)
I can not thank you two enough for all the time and effort you put into spending time with all of us.  We love you so much!

1 comment:

Susan said...

So glad youhad a great visit. Memories last a life time!
Love and hugs