Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 Week Hump

Ten weeks seemed to be Anna's magical week - she started seeping from 10pm-4am - yippee!  Feedings continue to go well.  She cluster feeds in the morning and evening and goes a little longer during the day and night. Her naps are resembling a predictable schedule with about four naps during the day, less screaming in the evening, and then a long stretch at night.  I do love a schedule!

Anna is now 8.5lbs and 22in long.  She got an oral vaccine and three shots.  She did well with them all after she puked the oral one up all over the nurse.  Since Christmas she has been smiling every time I talk to her. Now she will smile for anyone who will talk, sing, or dance for her!  Daddy is thrilled that she smiles just for him whenever he wants her to.  She gets so excited her legs and arms are wiggling all over the place while she grins and tries to make noises. Her excitement and grins just light up my day.

She is getting more interested in "playing" either on her play mat or with any of us talking or singing to her.  I can put her on her play mat for 30 minutes straight when the kids go down for their naps and she just wiggles, smiles, and "talks" to her sunshine.  She recognizes when I step out of her line of sight and is quick lets me know she is not happy.

I love hugging and kissing all her soft, cuddly, sweet smelling parts any time of day (or night)!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Little Anna is so adorable. And how could she be anything
But happy with such a loving family?!
Live and hugs