Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas - Take 1

We spent Christmas Eve Day with Grandma Mary, Papa D, Abigail, Liz, Bill, Emma, Lana and Charles.  

The kids had oodles of fun playing with Lana and Charles, opening gifts, and sneaking sweet treats. 

Anna was cuddled the entire day.

Liz cooked us an amazing brunch after a small mix up with the sugar and salt! 

It was a wonderful day together! Thank you everyone for your flexibility, generosity, and love!


Susan said...

Well it looks like all of you had a great time together. Lots of smiles hugs and fun!what a blessing!
Glad it all worked out!
Love and hugs, YVBA

Linda said...

Your Christmas pictures are priceless! What beautiful children AND parents!