Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Program

The kids had their Christmas program at preschool today!  They have been so excited.  They practiced their songs at home, in the car, and at night in their beds - so cute.  They invited me, Anna, Mimi, and Pop Pop to their event.  They sang three songs: Wheels on the Bus, My God is so Big, and Praise Him all Ye Singing Stars.  I was so proud of them.  They stayed on stage, sang their hearts out, did their hand motions and danced.  We listened to the 3 and 4 year old classes perform followed by cookies and cider.  Max said, "Ms. Carla (one of their teachers) is so proud of me!" 

This sweet moment was followed by Max wrestling Kate to the ground, they were laughing their heads off, ornaments were falling all over them and Pop Pop grabbed the tree before it hit the ground! Mimi said "RUN Kids RUN" and I tried to get the picture...

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