Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mimi, Pop-Pop No Go!

We are so very lucky to have Mimi and Pop Pop nearby. One or both come two-four times a month for the day and the kids look forward to every minute. This morning I asked the kids who they thought might come visit them today and they both screamed MIMI, POP-POP! Later in the morning Kate says, "Mommy, Mimi Pop-Pop driving car?"

We packed the morning hours with outside time - Box, Bikes, Dirt, Puddles, and Rocks!

Side Story: Pop-Pop was being silly at lunch and I asked Kate if Pop-Pop was being a goofball? Kate promptly repeated, "Pop-Pop Goofball!" with a giant grin. Sorry Pop-Pop :)
Thanks for visiting us!

1 comment:

Susan said...

They repeat it all!!!!! I love it of course! Way to go Pop Pop!