Friday, March 11, 2011

"Max, Pee-Pee Potty!"

We had an especially exciting morning. After four months of sitting on the potty next to Kate every morning, Max did the deed! Kate screamed, "Max, Pee-Pee Potty!" He got to choose his own "big boy" underwear, which required trying on a couple pairs, and wave bye-bye to his pee-pee. He was so excited to wear and show-off his choo-choos.

Kate did not pee-pee on the potty today so she did not get to select underwear. When she saw Max's underwear, she promptly took off her pants and sat on the potty to try again....Peer Pressure!
Update 3/14/2011
Max went poopie on the potty!


Susan said...

LOL! Awesome! Congrats to Max! So proud of those two. I wish I would have been there for the excitement!
Way to go! Love and hugs, YVBA

Susan said...

Way to go, Max!!!!