Friday, February 12, 2021

Alex's Valentine's Learning Experience

Alex's classmates have worked so hard to prepare for this learning experience.  They ALL made their own valentine's for each friend and delivered it school when we returned from the holiday break. The teacher sorted into bags for each student.  We picked up the sorted Valentine's and learning experience materials two weeks ago and have been patiently waiting!   It was soooooo worth it.  The kids had a blast doing a scavenger hunt, playing BINGO, making a necklace, eating their LOVE BUG snack and opening their bag of surprises fro their friends.  They were in absolute AWE at every single card, card, pencil eraser, piece of candy, tattoo, sticker inside.  It was so, so, so cute!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

That is such a great experience for the kiddos. Glad he has such a kind teacher. He did such a great job in his Valentines! Love and hugs, YVBA