Monday, August 17, 2020

Welcome Virtual Academy 2020-2021


 I can not say enough good things about our schools, teachers, and administrators.  The planning, communication and schedules made the first day feel like a success for all of us.

Alex was up and dressed at 5am (school starts at 9am)! He was very patient, learned how to mute/unmute his microphone, start/end call in addition to connecting with his teacher and classmates as a whole group and in small groups.

Anna was ready to go and started early. She did her end of day work before her class met. She met with her class twice and had three independent assignments to complete. She got to use some new tools that will be useful the rest of the year.

Kate was so excited to see who would be in her classes. Kate's homeroom teacher sounded really nice and made the kids feel very welcome and comfortable. They will be adding a little more to their schedule each day this week.

Max is thrilled to be in middle school. He loves the autonomy of all this virtual learning. He is excited to see some familiar names in his classes. Max and Kate requested the same teachers/schedule and that is exactly what they got!

1 comment:

Susan said...

That is so awesome to have a great first day. I am impressed! And really happy for all of you! Love and hugs, YVBGA