Sunday, August 2, 2020

Alex's Birthday Celebration

Alex has been saying since January that he wanted his birthday party to be a pool party at Grandma Mary and Papa D's house in Wilmington.  We were not sure with COVID if that was a reality but it worked out for G. Mary and Papa D to be quarantined for two weeks prior to his birthday so we could visit!!!  He said this was the best day of his life! 
We had a Star Wars Lego themed DAY.  He sent a meal plan in advance so they could make all his favorite meals. The day started poolside with waffles, BINGO and airplanes.  Next, we had a scavenger hunt and loaded up on fun projects. We opened presents sent from all over the world! We spent the next eight hours playing in the pool. We wrapped up this perfect day poolside with hamburgers, cake made by Kate, homemade ice cream (by all the kids) and stargazing.  What a beautiful day for a beautiful kiddo1

Breakfast BINGO
FunFetti waffles, sausage, strawberries
Styrofoam Airplane Fun
Star Wars Scavenger Hunt
Pool Time

Lego Time
Cake Time
(Designed and made by Kate)
Star Gazing
Happy Birthday Little Man!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow looks like a great day for sure. Alex must have been smiling all day! Great Ukulele! Wish I were close to tech you to play. Hope you send a video of your first song. Love and hugs, YVBGA