Thursday, January 18, 2018

Snow and Then Some!

The kids made it to school for one day this week before the snowstorm of the decade hit Wednesday!  It has been a whirlwind of fun in the SNOW since Wednesday morning.  Kids have been in and out multiple times over, we have made new friends, dried a lot clothes, fueled up with hot chocolate and yummy snacks, and geared up more times than I can count.  Seriously, it was like no other snowfall we have seen because the snow loved being rolled up into balls for igloos, snowball fights, snowman... so much fun.  Once the snow started falling, it just kept coming heavy for 12 hours!
 Pre-Snow Bowling
 The First Flakes
 Let It Snow
Day two was even more perfect for the sledding scene because things iced up a bit and we flew off of the snowplowed piles, broke a few sleds, scraped some knuckles, bruised some tucus' and laughed until we almost had pee-pee accidents.  The snow fort in the backyard has grown to a mammoth creation that the kids are very proud of.

1 comment:

Susan said...

OH My Goodness! I did not realize that you got so much snow. That is awesome!!!!! The photos reminded me of my childhood and then of you mom and Aunts playing and sliding on the hill of their grandparents house. Your mom was wired with fun! It is so fun in the snow!!! Wish I were there to play with you! Love and hugs, YVBGA