Tuesday, May 31, 2016

22 Months

Alexander is as sweet as ever.  He is talking, running and busy playing all the time. He has so much to say and is eager to play wherever the kids are. He has decided Daddy's car is the best!

Alex has been traveling (Washington DC, Wilmington, Greensboro) and going to a lot of the kids' extra activities (school, baseball, swimming, ballet) this month. He enjoys exploring new places (and toys) and loves seeing the kids in action especially from the baby backpack. 
He is adding words hourly! He is putting phrases together like "Are you ____, Thank you _______, Morning _______,  Play outside please, not again, hold me, up please, Oh NO!"  He uses so much expression and feeling when he talks. He tells us when he is scared. He uses hand gestures to cover his mouth when he is shocked and surprised. He waves his arms in the arm when he just don't care...and wants to be super silly. He gives hugs and kisses with such love and enthusiasm.

Alex likes to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY! He chases after the kids with water guns, spray bottles or buckets full of water.  He follows them all around the house and gets right in the middle of all the action.  He plays legos in Max's room. Critters, Barbies and baby dolls in the girls room. Tea parties, crafts, cars, little people and kitchen in the bonus room. Whenever we leave the house there is a car in his hand.  Outside, he waters the follows, rides the big wheels, digs in the dirt, and plays with worms.

We love you so much. You add so much love, joy, and laughter to each day.  Keep talking, running, playing and loving!

Mama, Dadda
KK, Ma, & Anna

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh Alex is such a blessing and so fun to see him grow. Love the pic where he seems to be examining
The strawberry! Thanks for sharing the updates. Hard to believe it is already 22 months!!!
He is a love!
Love and hugs YVBA