Thursday, May 26, 2016

Casile's Poetry Cafe

Today was Max's Poetry Cafe.  His class has been working on a poetry unit.  They each made their own book including and I am poem, haiku, cinquain, couplet, and acrostic.  Parents arrived and were greeted by their super cool son/daughter with a pamphlet, brought to the refreshment station and escorted to their seats. The cafe hour proceeded with amazing young poets sharing their poems sitting on a stool with a working microphone.  Marvelous Max shared "Camping" a cinquain with us (one day I will figure out how to get the video off my camera!). It was very well done and the kids were so proud of themselves!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow! That is some creative work going on and they are only in the first grade. Amazing! Can you print his Camping poem? They got into character, how fun! Kudos to Max!
Love and hugs YVBA