Sunday, May 31, 2015

10 Months

Alexander is such a happy, cuddly, loveable little man.  I can not squeeze him enough! This month he has really gotten into waving "Hi" and "Bye" and clapping. He has quite a repertoire of noises including a "G", "Mmmm", "Ba Ba", Uh, Oh, a pterodactyl squeal, a monster growl and a variety of other "happy noises". He is moving to more finger foods and has found puffs, yogurt melts, black beans, grapes, cheese, banana bits, and avocado slices quite intriguing. He is rolling all over the house on the floor and in his walker.  He likes to sit and play with toys. He has been pulling his legs under him and is doing push-ups but not at once... I love his big smiles!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

He is just the best. You just have to smile with him. Can't wait to play with him.
Love and hugs. YVBA